A documentary film by Stéphanie Chuat and Véronique Reymond, produced by Climage-Lausanne. They are divorced, widowed or single, have already crossed one or several lives, wish to live others, but, as victims of a mainly feminine ageing society, they have the feeling...
Buffo, Buten & howard

Buffo, Buten & howard

Are clowns sad in real life? Howard Buten is a clown who hates clowns, but adores Swiss clown Grock. A psychologist who’s said to be more at ease with autistic people than with “normal” people. A novelist who wrote the bestseller When I Was Five I Killed Myself...
Evening Classes

Evening Classes

What brings 250 people every year to challenge their lifestyle and go back to school on their free time? What are their motivations when they’ve been on the labour market for several years and have a stable job situation? “Evening classes for adults“ slips into the...