TOXIC, a 6×52′ series in development, written and directed by Stéphanie Chuat and Véronique Reymond, produced by RTS-Switzerland, coproduced by Vertigo-UK, Akka Films and Switch Prod.
Following a mysterious contamination of Lake Geneva, a stubborn biologist tracks down an unknown virus while her husband, an impulsive cop, leads a perilous investigation to unmask those responsible. In privacy, the couple struggle to have a baby, this due to infertility issues. Will they resort to egg donation?
Humans are mammals, they have hair and suckle their young. They are programmed to reproduce. What choice do we have when facing infertility in a contradictory world that encourages family life while multiplying climate disasters? Shall we give up on parenthood?
TOXIC, an ecological investigation coupled with a family drama that confronts everyone with their desires and contradictions.