Absorbing drama of a bereaeved mother and an old man she nurses through a turbulent time. As the odd couple of nurse and patient discover more about each other, they develop a peculiar but pleasing kinship. The circle of life is given warm and redemptive treatment in « La petite chambre », written an directed by Stéphanie Chuat and Véronique Reymond. They supply information about the characters subtly so they become fully formed gradually. Interest should be strong in international markets and festivals. THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER, by Ray Bennett, August 9, 2010The Los Angeles Times : The little Bedroom, a deft exploration of melancholy, lost.
The New York Times : For the aged, a shrinking world
Locarno’s audience has a crush on « The Little Bedroom ». People laugh, people smile and cry. In Fevi’s Palace, the 3000 spectators are standing, deeply touched. « The little room » gives a lot of emotion in the festival’s competition. In this first feature film full of skill, nothing is never sinister, but everything is told. And well told. JOURNAL 24HEURES, Claude Ansermoz, August 10,2010
Story of an ovation : « The little Bedroom » causes an exceptional c
raze in Locarno. The Fevi’s Palace and it’s 3200 seats has discovered the film competing for the Golden Leopard : the theatre exploded in an almost 10 minutes’ standing ovation. « The little room » is born on Monday August 9, 2010, with a standing audience. JOURNAL LE TEMPS, Thierry Jobin, August 11, 2010
Long standing ovation in the Fevi’s Palace for «The little bedroom », by Stéphanie Chuat and Véronique Reymond, with a film which reveals a lot of tenderness and emotion. TRIBUNE DE GENEVE, Edmée Cuttat, August 12, 2010
TELERAMA at the Locarno Film Festival : with « The little bedroom », the codirectors Stéphanie Chuat and Véronique Reymond give a delicate and sensitive fiction about aging and moarn. The quality of interpretation and the clever approach of the subject gives an unexpected emotional strength to this fisrt feature film. TELERAMA.fr, Mathilde Blottière, August 2010
The Little Bedroom, a swiss first feature acclaimed by the audience. This admirable film, full of a constant emotion and an exceptionnal quality of interpretation, besides his major advantages on a triple point of view including dialogues and construction, represents one of the most serious canditates for the Golden Leopard 2010. This movie should make a beautiful international career ! JOURNAL 24 HEURES, Jean-Louis Kuffer, August 11, 2010
What a wondeful, wonderful film ! So restrained and elegant at the same time. Beautifully directed and shot and marvellously acted. GENEVA-EUROPE AWARD, Guy Meredith, September 2010